Run, Run as Fast as You Can!
The children in Reception have settled back fantastically after the Christmas break and have had a lovely, busy first two weeks back. This term we will be sharing lots of traditional tales; we began by reading the story of ‘The Gingerbread Man’. We have had great fun acting out the story and reading lots of different versions. The highlight for the children was baking, decorating and eating their own gingerbread man! This has all led up to some excellent writing this week. The children have really impressed us with the speech bubbles they wrote for the Gingerbread Man, remembering to use their Fred Fingers to help them sound out the words.
In Maths we have been weighing and measuring using non-standard measures. We have been extending our vocabulary to describe the weight and length of objects in lots of different ways. This week the children used play dough to make snakes and put these in order of their length and then measured carefully how long each snake was using cubes. Lots of great learning!
Winter is definitely upon us and we have been making the most of getting outside and observing the seasonal changes. The children really enjoyed exploring the school looking at the frost and ice growing on the leaves and bushes. Thank you all for sending your children in with a warm coat. Next week we will be sharing the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ in Literacy and we will be learning number bonds to 5 using Numicon and the part-part-whole model in Maths. We will be looking at old and new in Understanding the World, comparing some fascinating objects from the past – such as CDs and fax machines!
Thank you for sending in your lovely family photos. The children have really enjoyed sharing them with their classes and talking about who is in their family. We will continue sharing these over the coming week.
Christmas Celebrations
Last week, the children walked to St Mary’s Church in Wootton to sing their Christmas songs and listen to the Christmas story.
The children have also been busy colouring Christmas calendars, writing Christmas cards and making reindeer food.
This week the Reception classes performed their Christmas play, The Twinkly Nativity. All of the children looked fantastic in their costumes and sang and performed really well.
The Reception team wish all our families a very happy Christmas and new year.
The Little Red Hen
Reception have had a lovely couple of weeks learning lots about the story 'The Little Red Hen'. We enjoyed acting out the story in our classes and discussing whether we thought the characters were kind to one another. We then read the story 'The Little Red Hen Makes Pizza' and made our own pizza. This went down a lot better than the vegetable soup we made a few weeks ago! In Literacy we have been practising writing CVC words and working really hard to form each letter correctly. In Maths, we have been learning more 2D shapes and talking about the words 'sides' and 'corners'.
This week we will be finding different way to make the number 5. We will be reading 'The Christmas Story' and finding out how different people celebrate Christmas.
What a fantastic start to school Reception have had!
The children have had a fantastic week, starting with a walk to the woods. They loved exploring and looking for signs of Autumn. In Maths, we have been learning about repeating patterns and having a go at making their own using building blocks.
We have also been learning about Diwali the festival of light. All the children tried really hard to use clay to make their own Diva Lamps.
The Reception Team hope you all have a lovely half term and look forward to seeing you all in November.
Reception News
Week 6 and 7 news
During the last two weeks we have been reading the story of ‘The Busy Squirrel.’ We learnt to retell the story and the children joined in the narrative saying ‘he was too busy’ as we read the story together. We have also been working on writing the initial letter sounds in words.
In Maths this week we have been learning about shapes and went on a shape hunt around the school finding circles and triangles.
In Art we have been painting autumn trees and printing using different materials. In our Knowledge and Understanding the World lessons we have been making squirrel muffins to take to the woods for the squirrels.
Week 4 & 5 news
During the past 2 weeks in Reception we have been reading and learning about 2 stories - "The Enormous Turnip" and "The Very Helpful Hedgehog." We have talked about characters and setting as well as the beginning, middle and end of the stories. The children have also created some lovely art work related to the stories.
In maths we have been learning all about numbers to 3 and looking at quantities of objects and saying whether they have more, fewer or the same.
In our art lessons we have been looking very carefully at our own faces and then painting self-portraits. We have also learnt all about Autumn in our knowledge of the world lessons and we are looking forward to our upcoming walk to the woods where we will hopefully see lots of signs of Autumn!
Our First Week of School
What a busy first week it has been for our delightful new Reception children. We would like to warmly welcome all of the new families who are just joing our wonderful Wootton Lower School community for the first time and say a big welcome back to those familiar faces who have already had older siblings in the school. We are so pleased to be working with you to give your children the very best start to their school journey.
And what a super start it has been. The children have simply blown us away by how quickly they have been settling into the routine of the day. We have loved getting to know each and every one of them and have been so impressed by their behaviour so far. Next week we look forward to having the children in full time. I suspect there will be some very tired little peoply by Friday afternoon!
Next week we will be sharing the story of 'The Enormous Turnip' and acting out the story together. In Maths we will be starting to do some counting, making sure that we touch each object as we say the number. We will also be talking lots about our families and playing lots of getting to know you games. We will also be having out first PE lesson so please do keep encouraging your child to get themselves ready for school in the morning.
Well done Reception. We hope you all have a fun weekend with your families and we will see you on Monday morning.
Snail Trail...
We have had a great time reading the story of Snail Trail. We have learnt lots of facts about snails, did you know that snails have lots and lots really of tiny teeth? We have also been learning about maps and drew our own maps to show where the snail had travelled to in the story. We then carried on our map learning and drew maps of our classrooms.
We have had lots of fun playing inside and outside and we have been especially focussed on our value of teamwork The children have been thinking about how they can be part of a team in lots of different activities, including building with blocks as you can see in some of these photos.