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  3. Year 2 News

Year 2 News


Seashells have had an amazing week where they have learnt about the importance of hygiene. Within our Science lesson Seashells class loved taking part in a variety of activities to see how quickly germs can spread. They also learnt about the importance of washing our hands with soap as this removes the oils and germs from our hands. Following on from this work, Seashells also wrote some incredible letters pretending to be Florence Nightingale. Every child did a superb job at this. Take a look at some of our learning in action below...

Pufferfish Bug Busters..

This week, Pufferfish class have become scientists and have carried out an experiment to see how germs travel around the classroom. Whilst using glitter, as our germs, the children enjoyed passing a ball, drawing a picture, building with lego and clapping hands with their friends. All the children were shocked to discover just how far the glitter spread around the room. What was even more interesting was that several children were still covered in glitter when they just washed their hands with water and not soap. Well done Pufferfish class!

Puffins' build up to Christmas...

We have had a fun filled few weeks leading up to Christmas.  Our Puffins put in superb performances in the Christmas shows and we have made lots of crafty things ready to take home!  As well as that, we have started a science experiment to see how bulbs manage to grow in Winter and we will see after the holidays how our daffodils are doing.  Have a brilliant break everyone... see you in January!

Pufferfish Winter Work

 Pufferfish have had a superb few weeks of learning. They have all loved learning about The Great Fire of London, the Australian outback and The Grinch's awful antics! Below you will find some super Aboriginal art work, Remembrance Day paintings and Christmas card weaving. What fun we had! The children are all very excited for Christmas and a well earned rest. Have a fabulous Christmas! 

Festive Fun!

Lobsters class have loved reading 'How the Grinch stole Christmas' over the last few weeks. In English, they have written some brilliant setting descriptions to describe WHO-ville and have written a letter of apology from the Grinch. Today we drew the Grinch and then made the classroom into an art museum. The children enjoyed exploring the 'museum' and looking at everyone's brilliant artwork. Lobsters are very excited to watch the Grinch film tomorrow too. What a fun, festive week! :) 

The Great Fire of London Big Burn! 

On Thursday 21st November 2024, Year 2 enjoyed a fabulous afternoon watching the ‘Great Fire of London’ recreated at Harris way. All the children worked hard and put so much care and effort into designing and building Tudor style houses. The children could explain why the houses burnt so swiftly, why the fire would have spread so quickly in 1666 and why this type of disaster would not happen in this day and age. 

Well done Year 2!

Lobsters have had a brilliant half term! 

Lobsters class have loved our Coastlines topic this half term! They have learnt all about human and physical features, the impact of erosion and plastic pollution. Some highlights from this half term include making sculptures out of plastic, learning about habitats and making clay lighthouses! We have read lots of books linked to our topic this half term, including a few class favorites - 'The Lighthouse Keeper's lunch' and 'The Snail and the Whale'! Well done for all of your fabulous work this half term Lobsters! 

What a super half term Pufferfish!

The children have loved learning all about coastlines. They have explored, both human and physical, coastal features as well as the effects that sea pollution is having on our wildlife. To raise awareness the children designed and made sculptures out of plastic.

We have enjoyed reading 'The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch' where the pesky seagulls devoured poor Mr Grinlings lunch and all the children have written some super descriptive pieces of work. In addition, they were then keen to create and paint a replica lighthouse and I'm sure you will agree that they have done a super job. 

Enjoy a well earned rest over half term.

A busy month for Puffins!

We hope you enjoy these fabulous photos.  Over the last half term we have learned about continents, oceans as well as the UK.   We have explored physical and human features found at coastlines and learned about the harmful effects of plastic pollution.  

The photos show our plastic creations which were designed to make people aware of the damage one use plastic can do.  In addition, we were delighted with our clay lighthouses!  Have a great half term everyone.  

Seashells Artists

Seashells have learnt about human and physical features this term, all of the children could tell me that a lighthouse is a human feature as it was made by man. We decided we would also create our own lighthouses. Check them out! 


We have also had several mini rewards this week, such as free play PE, a movie and crafts, this is because Seashells have been AMAZING this half-term. Well done all!

Puffins 2024-25 What a start!

It's been an exhausting and exciting first full week back for our fabulous Puffins.  We all enjoyed Coastlines day.  Our ice-cream froze well and then we started on lots of smashing seaside activities.  The smiles in the pictures say it all but it'll be no surprise that the most popular activity was the ice-cream eating!

Pufferfish 2024-2025

What better way to start our Coastlines topic than with a seaside day! All the children loved creating seaside collages, sketching beautiful shells, building mini sandcastles and then eating the delicious ice cream that they made themselves. Yum yum!

The children have all worked so hard since joining Year 2 and have a load of Dojo's to show for it. Keep being fabulous Pufferfish!

Lobster Class of 2024-2025

Lobsters class have settled into life in year 2 and have done some amazing work so far.  They have shown all our values and really impressed Miss Cox with their brilliant writing and maths work. Today, they had a fun day to introduce our first topic - Coastlines! The children have been busy sketching shells, playing in the sand and water trays, making ice cream, creating collages, and ended the day by eating some delicious ice cream! 


Seashells Class of 2024-2025

Seashells class have had an amazing start to Year 2, each and every one of them have displayed our school values throughout the week and they have been determined to impress in both Reading, Writing and Maths. What better way to reward their hard work... a coastlines fun day! Today each child had the opportunity to sketch shells, create a beach collage, play in the sand and water trays and of course have some ICE CREAM! I cannot wait to have more fun with you all throughout the year (: