2. Uniform


We encourage all children to wear school uniform as it contributes to the child’s feeling of belonging to the school. Uniform standards at Wootton Primary School are inclusive and smart. By maintaining this expectation we ensure that appearance does not advantage or disadvantage any child based on fashion choice, socio-economic wealth or body shape/size.
Permitted School Uniform
  • Grey/Black pinafore dress, skirt or trousers 
  • Red/White polo shirt (optional logo)
  • White blouse/shirt 
  • Red cardigan, jumper or sweatshirt (optional logo)
  • Red and white checked dress or shorts (Summer)
  • Grey/Red tights 
  • Plain grey/white/black socks 
No trainers or shoes with large block heels please. 
It is important for pupils to wear the correct clothing for physical activities. For PE children should wear a white t-shirt, black or white shorts and well fitting plimsolls. For PE outside tracksuits may be worn. Jewellery must not be worn for sporting activities and long hair should be tied back. If children cannot remove their earrings, these need to be covered with tape. 
Sweatshirts, cardigans, PE t-shirts, caps, book bags and PE (pump) bags can be ordered online from: www.brigadeuniformdirect.uk.com or tesco.com/ues 
It is essential that all clothing is clearly named, to avoid loss and confusion.
You can purchase name labels online from: 


Second Hand Clothing

We have a selection of second hand items of clothing which can be purchased at a resonable price. Please contact our office and ask to speak to our family support workers and they will be happy to help you. 


Our family support workers are

Harris Way: Debbie Lawrence 

Bedford Road: Jo Urwin