1. Preschool
  2. About us
  3. Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum

At Wootton Preschool we follow the EYFS Framework.
We use the document as essential advice and guidance to evaluate the practice and quality in our settings to ensure every child make age appropriate progress. We will work with you to carefully document the progress of your child through their home and preschool experiences. The EYFS will also be used in your child’s Reception year at their Lower School and this personalised learning journey then forms part of the smooth transition to Year 1.

Learning through play
Learning through play is a term used in education and psychology to describe how a child can learn to make sense of the world around them. Through play, children can develop social and cognitive skills, mature emotionally, and gain the self-confidence required to engage in new experiences and environments.
At Wootton Preschool the children are encouraged through play to:

  • Share and play with other children
  • Solve problems
  • Become active readers and writers and develop early literacy skills
  • Trust new adult carers and accept new situations within the preschool environment
  • Experiment with a variety of materials and activities
  • Express themselves in many different ways
  • Accept individual differences

Assessment and Observations
During their time with us, observations are made on your child. We use an online system called 2Simple and manual observation forms to support the assessment of their progress against the EYFS, which identifies expectations called ‘Early Learning Goals (ELGs)’. These are collated by your child’s Key Worker and sent home every half term for you to view, sign and add your own comments. As a Parent/Carer you are entitled to see this information, by making an appointment with the staff. These will be passed to your child’s Reception Class on entering school to ensure prior achievements are built upon.